In the bustling city of Windsor, during the vibrant 80s, Kyle embarked on a transformative journey sparked by his first encounter with a video game. Introduced by an older neighbor named Stuart and his coveted Commodore 64, he was mesmerized by the virtual worlds unfolding before him. Among the games that captured his imagination was "The Last Ninja," igniting a passion that would shape his future endeavors.
Fast forward, armed with nearly two decades of immersive experience in game development, he embarked on a career that would define his professional trajectory. From animator to team lead and director, he navigated diverse roles across both independent studios—contributing to titles like "Too Human," "Darksiders: Wrath of War," "X-Men Destiny," and "Dragon Age"—and esteemed AAA franchises such as "Splinter Cell," "Assassin's Creed," and "FarCry." Throughout his journey, he specialized in world building, contextual level design, and providing high-level qualitative feedback to enhance gameplay experiences.
His expertise extended to crafting engaging gameplay loops and ensuring seamless player immersion, all while leading teams towards achieving creative excellence. Passionate about original content and established intellectual properties alike, he remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of interactive entertainment, driven by a lifelong commitment sparked by that fateful day with Stuart and his Commodore 64.
Currently, Kyle is a Principal Level Designer at NetEase games.