Branko Bistrovic

Concept Art Director

Branko is a reclusive hermitlike artist, both in practice and in looks. Reticent to post much online, he has nonetheless been part of the entertainment industry for 15+ years now, 5 of those in TV Animation, and the last 10 in video games.

Serving as a concept artist for Assassins Creed, Far Cry, Splinter Cell, and various other Ubi brands. He enjoys teaching others how to grow as artists more than he actually enjoys showing his own art, but legend goes that if you get to know him well enough maybe he’ll show you some of his more recent sketches.


Concept Art Mentorship

This mentorship includes 5 hours of one-on-one training, custom tailored to suit the mentees specific needs. We will build a development plan together in order to level-up your skills and help achieve your goals.

We will cover various Concept Art workflows, from digital painting and storytelling, to evoking a mood and developing a style, through to photo sourcing and functional design pieces.

The mentorship is designed to help break through plateaus, build confidence, increase technical aptitude, and provide a clear path of continued growth and success.

Learning Focus

  • Art fundamentals

  • Color and shape theory

  • Environmental storytelling

  • Developing a style

  • Increasing speed and efficiency

  • Understanding composition

  • Introduction and Advanced lessons in the tools of the trade, Photoshop, Blender etc.

Taylor Nguyen

Taylor Nguyen is a web designer and SEO specializing in Squarespace. With 7 years of experience in design, she helps service-based businesses stand out in competitive markets and build a strong brand reputation.


Scott Mitchell


Paul Leli