Austin Maestre

Senior Producer

Austin [He/They] has been a producer in various industries for just about a decade. They have worked in The Game Industry for 7 years; 2 as QA and 5 as a producer. Austin’s first job in games was as a QA tester on BioShock Infinite. From there, they worked on other titles like Infamous-Second Son, before stepping away from games to pursue fundamentals in project management and production. They broke back in to The Game Industry after about 4 years away when they joined the Mojang team making Minecraft Earth. Since then, they have spent time at Indie and AAA studios where they most recently helped launch MultiVersus; the console/PC - free to play - WB Games platform fighter.

Austin excels at bringing teams together through relationship building and people driven processes. They advocate hard for accessibility and inclusion within both games and the industry that builds them. Their life-long career goal is to make both places as welcoming and accessible as possible through mentorship as well as day-to-day impact within their projects and teams.


Production and Management Coaching

This coaching includes 4 or 5 hours of one-on-one sessions, spanning through 3 months, custom-tailored to suit the mentee’s specific management needs. We will build a development plan together on targeted management areas in order to level up your skills and help achieve your goals or situation resolution.

As in production and management, mentorship should be catered toward the individuals or teams that seek it out. Austin’s approach is one that starts with understanding where things are and what the strengths – or areas of growth – look like for the selected individual(s). From there, we create a plan of action where participants can have opportunities to try out what we’ve discussed in real life scenarios; whether those are on projects or at jobs within games, or within their personal lives as preparation for the next big opportunity. There may also be other opportunities to have live resume reviews and hold mock interviews as is necessary for any given participant.

Learning Focus

  • Leadership in action - Be exemplary and Manage with purpose

  • Setting values & Team culture

  • Building teams for long-term success (composition and organization)

  • New manager - Transition challenges, developing confidence.

  • Managing scale - From Micro to Macro

  • Roles, Workload, Stress, and Balance

  • Redundancy, growth, and delegation

  • Hiring and departures

  • Conflict prevention and resolutions

  • Working with technostructure & support teams

  • Building solid Lead-CoDev partnerships

  • Managing managers & directors

Taylor Nguyen

Taylor Nguyen is a Squarespace web designer and SEO with 7 years of experience.


Jeryce Dianingana


Jake Reicher